LAVES Logo with claim "Lower Saxony State Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety" Niedersachsen klar Logo

Specialised Department Food Monitoring Service and International Trade

The specialised department Food Monitoring Service and International Trade is located in Braunschweig and Oldenburg and advises the local food monitoring authorities on food hygiene concerning food of animal and plant origin, cosmetics, tobacco products and other consumer products as well as on questions concerning international trade.

In addition, the department is responsible for operating the EU rapid alert system for food and feed ("RASFF") in Lower Saxony. It is the contact point for the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) and evaluates filters and transmits rapid alert warnings to the concerned local food monitoring authorities and coordinates necessary measures.

A further task of the Food Monitoring Service is the approval of businesses and establishments (among others EU and third party country enterpries, mineral water wells), authorising expert reports on cross-checking of samples and issuing permits and exemptions (e.g. in accordance with diet and additive usage regulations).

The team of the Specialised Department Food Monitoring Service and International Trade consists of an interdisciplinary team of veterinarians, food chemists and administrative staff members.

Lower Saxony State Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety
Dep. 21 - Food Monitoring Service and International Trade
PO Box 9262
D-26140 Oldenburg

Phone: +49 441 570 26-221
Fax: +49 441 570 26-107

Here are the directions to the specialised department Food Monitoring Service and International Trade.

Picture of the main entry of the LAVES head office building in Oldenburg   Image Copyrights: © LAVES

Lower Saxony State Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety Head Office

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