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Specialised Department Feed Monitoring

In 2002, the feed monitoring in Lower Saxony which had been locally organised up until then was centralised in a specialised department of LAVES. An important step was thereby taken in Lower Saxony towards intensifying and concentrating the official feed control. Since July 2005, LAVES has also been responsible for feed monitoring in the state of Bremen. With an annual turnover of approximately 8.3 million tonnes of mixed fodder for farm animals (40 percent of the entire production nationwide), Lower Saxony/Bremen is the most significant fodder production site in Germany. Apart from feed production for farm animals, a comprehensive feed industry for domestic animals also exists.

The monitoring covers all levels of fodder production and trade even up to agricultural enterprises. A total of 13 feed inspectors currently carry out inspections of companies and take samples. To ensure that all areas are covered, these employees are based in Oldenburg, Hannover and Lüneburg. Coordination and administration including implementation are managed from the head office in Oldenburg.

Lower Saxony State Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety
Dep. 41 - Feed Monitoring
PO Box 9262
D-26140 Oldenburg

Phone: +49 441 570 26-0
Fax: +49 441 570 26-139

Here are the directions to the specialised departement Feed Monitoring.

Picture of the main entry of the LAVES head office building in Oldenburg   Image Copyrights: © LAVES

Lower Saxony State Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety Head Office

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