LAVES Logo with claim "Lower Saxony State Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety" Niedersachsen klar Logo
Petri dishes and test tubes

Welcome to the homepage of the Lower Saxony State Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety

various fruits and vegetables Image Copyrights: © seralex -


Food is defined as „all materials and substances meant for human consumption, or which can be rationally expected to be consumed by humans in a processed, semi-processed or raw condition”. more

Kitchen with utensils and utensils on a wooden counter Image Copyrights: © Photo download -


Commodities are items used in daily life which come into direct contact with human skin, or indirectly via foodstuffs. Commodities are made of various materials such as wood, ceramic, glass, textiles, leather, plant fibres, metal, rubber, or plastic. more

Schweine auf dem Feld Image Copyrights: © lightpoet -


Animals count as the basic nutrition suppliers for humans. The most intensive surveillance possible, from birth up to meat as nutrition means, constitutes a significant task of the Consumer Protection Services while taking into consideration the dignity of animals as living creatures. more

grain in hands Image Copyrights: © lupolucis -


The declared objective is to safeguard qualitative highvalue and healthy, harmless feed stuffsused in the manufacture of impeccable food products of animal origin, as well as to protect animals and the environment from avoidable pressure. more

LAVES - More Safety for the Consumer

What can I still eat? Surely everyone has already asked himself this question. News reports about BSE, Avian influenza or Nitrofen have made consumers insecure. That is why Lower Saxony has taken action.
In the Lower Saxony State Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety - LAVES -, all tasks of the consumers health protection are focused on minimizing risks and to continually encourage consumer confidence.
Six official Institutes belong to the LAVES organization throughout Lower Saxony. The head office is located in Oldenburg.

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